300 cars were damaged last night by ticked off workers in Poland's Fiat plant.

Workers in the FIAT factory in Tychy, Poland sabotaged 300 cars last night. The sabotage involved damaging the cars in different ways, for example, by making deep scratches with keys, putting screws into the motors, cutting cables and other types of damage. The managers are now trying to look for the sabotateurs.
Wages at the factory range from just above 500-900 euros brutto, despite the fact that the factory is very productive and most workers are highly skilled. The workers have been feeling pressure by the management to work more and accept worse conditions or face possible job loss.
Akai, This is excellent
This is excellent news!
Would it be possible to put together some more information about this resistance?
We have a regular slot about sabotage in the Anarchist Federation's freesheet Resistance.
Can you give me a few more details so that I can hack it into an article for the March issue of Resistance?
There is a bunch more
There is a bunch more coverage of events at that plant in the "more like this" links at the bottom of this page, or in the Fiat tag http://libcom.org/tags/fiat
There is an interview up
There is an interview up here:
Of course you should note
Of course you should note that NPA are a bunch of vanguardist opportunist liars, just like their yellow union buddies here in Poland who tell all sorts of stories to their useful idiot friends.
In reality, in the Polish press, the same shit Gierot was busy saying how the union does not support such action.
The part about blocking some changes at the factory is also "interesting", especially given that they write something different on their pages in Poland. But that union is famous for their "creativity" when it comes to their foreign PR. The best one was when the wrote to Italy claiming to have made a demonstration on Zamkowy Sq. on Nov.11, apparently not aware that at that time there were thousands of people really there because there were some fascist demos and antifascist blocades. :-( When we asked maybe if they were in the fascist demo, they instead decided to claim their bus broke down. :-) hehe